SLAB SALE THIS WEEKEND!!! All in stock furniture reduced to clear!!! 25th & 26th May, 8am - 1pmCome on down to 3/13 Industrial Drive, North Boambee Valley

Who Knew I Really Needed a C Table???

Its funny that I never realised how much I needed a C Table until now! Its amazing, you can slot it in next to you and have your cup of tea (lets be right there and it takes up no space. And then just slide it off to the side as a side table when you're not using it. 

So the key to the perfect C Table is first measure the space beneath your lounge and the height of your lounge cushions. With that information, we can custom make the perfect C Table just for you.

One thing I absolutely love it when things match, so I am really happy to have my Blackbutt & Ocean Resin C Table to match my Blackbutt & Ocean Resin Dining Table. Now I am just waiting on my Blackbutt & Ocean Resin Hallway Table to be made and I will have my complete set!

Now, time to eat my chocolate tart!

Blackbutt C Table Dining Table Resin Timber & Resin Tables

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